This innovative offering from Siemens helps you create engineering drawings from 3D models in an efficient manner. With this solution, you can automatically create drawing views from 3D part and assembly models. Moreover, you can also align and scale drawing views and arrange your drawing sheets in a timely and productive manner. Further, its advanced features help you document your drawings drafting & documentation aligned with the manufacturing requirements by reducing drawing checking time and eliminating errors.
Attributes that Help You Build Right

Comply with Drafting Standards
It helps you to draw designs that can meet major national and international drafting standards.

Optimize 2D Design and Drafting
NX layout is an advanced 2D concept design solution which enhances 2D conceptual design with the use of design-centric, intelligent, and re-usable objects called 2D components.

Trouble-free 2D Modification
NX provides one powerful functionality where editing of 2D CAD data can be done easily even from the files belong to another system. This helps in making changes faster and speed up the whole design process.